Inspect new Homes

Who is Checking New Home Builders?

Consumers are surprised to learn that compliance of new homes to the Building Code of Australia is self regulatory and the builder is responsible to sign off that the building complies.Building Inspector, Steve Miller said “With a rise in new home builds because of the governments stimulus package more and more consumers are moving into a house they have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for and feeling disappointed,”“I can perform a practical completion inspection for a client and find many examples of non compliance to the building code or finishes that are considered poor workmanship,” said Mr Miller“Issues like gutters that don’t fall towards downpipes or wet area sealing that has not been completed and roofing beams that are not properly supported are typical issues found at the time of the inspection,” he said.

painting on a budget

Painting On a Budget

Painting your house is something that you can do on your own if you want to save some money. Having the right paint will help

how to remove carpet stains

7 Tips For Removing Carpet Stains

Removing Carpet Stains: DIY Techniques and Cleaning Solutions: Spilled wine, pasta sauce, ink, pet urine… our carpets have seen it all. Before calling an expensive

Tips for Selling house

Selling Your Home Tips

If you are planning on selling your home, there are many things that you can do to make it more enticing to buyers. Fresh paint

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Pre-Purchase Inspectors National Registry

Pre-Purchase Inspectors National Registry

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Australian Affiliation of Property Inspectors

Australian Affiliation of Property Inspectors

Building Inspection report

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