Understanding what pre-purchase inspections are, whether you need one and who to trust to deliver it can save you (or cost you) tens of thousands of dollars. At Perth Building Inspector our trusted pre-purchase inspections can be carried our professionally, quickly and will provide you with peace of mind.
A Pre Purchase Inspection is the primary service we at Perth Building Inspector offer. It is a service that has been refined over 25 years in the industry and has been developed into something we believe to be effective and imperative for any soon-to-be home-owners. In plain English, a property inspection is when our highly qualified inspector visits the property you wish to buy prior to the sale being carried through. The inspector gives the property a thorough assessment and checks to not only see that everything is in structurally sound, but that there are no potential problems that will sneak up on you after purchase. To the untrained eye, potential issues in the structural integrity of your home would be very difficult to pick up on, but through training and our experience as a very successful builder prior to the inspection field, we are well equipped to deal with any sort of situation.
We offer professional advice and provide comprehensive reports which are completed within 24 hours of the home inspection. After the inspection we are available for any questions you might have in relation to the inspection report.
Below is our standard pricing for all concrete slab on ground house types up to and including 4 bedrooms and two bathrooms and one kitchen.
Additional costs will be associated with Timber Sub-Floor houses ($50.00), granny flats ($100) and for houses larger than 4 x 2 a quote will be provided.
1. Pre-purchase Structural Building Inspection $295
A Pre-Purchase Structural Building Inspection Report addresses only the structural elements of the building and will let you know if there are any significant structural defects with the house. The following areas will be inspected where applicable:
A structural fault in a property is any area in the structure that has lost its structural integrity. This report is typically 15+ pages and includes photos of the structure. A sample of this report is available upon request
2. Pre-Purchase Comprehensive Building Inspection $475
Our Pre-Purchase Comprehensive Building Inspection Report includes all of the above in the basic report but we also check:
This comprehensive building report includes a complete inspection on the condition of your home. This report is usually 40+ pages and includes photos of the structure, fixtures, and fittings.
Whether you are purchasing a new home or have concerns about your existing one, we strongly recommend this building inspection. A sample of this report can be seen on our website.
If the house has a granny flat there will be an additional cost of $100, If the house has more that two bathrooms or one kitchen there could be an additional cost call us to discuss.
3. Pre Purchase Timber Pest Inspection $175
Before you buy a house in Perth, you will need to have a timber pest inspection report prepared to make sure the property is not infested by termites or other timber pests including fungal decay and borers.
The purpose of the Pre-purchase Timber Pest Inspection Report is to assist you – the Client – to identify and understand any Timber Pest issues observed at the time of inspection. Our inspector has successfully completed the Timber Pest Inspector course by Rapid Training Solutions and is therefore qualified to inspect for and report on Timber Pests.
The inspection will include the following:
4. Practical Completion Inspection $495
The Practical Completion Inspection Report is the builders final ‘To Do’ list at handover.
At this stage we will check:
This inspection report will outline all defects that require attention. Each defect is marked with a coloured sticker for easy identification by the builder and the contractors. We perform a detailed inspection for every facet including the exterior and interior of the home. A sample of this report is available upon request.
5. Defects Liability Period Inspection $395
For contracts that fall within the threshold of $7,500 to $500,000 the builder is liable to make good, without additional cost, defects in the building work that have been notified in writing within 4 months of practical completion.
The 4 months can be extended if agreed by both parties and it has been specified in the contract. The 4 months defects liability period applies from ‘practical completion’ which means brought to the stage where the home building work is completed except for any omissions or defects which do not prevent the home building work from being reasonably capable of being used for its intended purpose.
Most new homeowners do not realise that the responsibility is on them to contact the builder in writing within the 4 months. Often this milestone goes past and the inspection never gets done. The inspection report will identify all maintenance issues which can then be sent to the builder. The importance of getting a complete inspection done cannot be emphasised enough.
Homeowners that fail to get any building defects in writing are essentially responsible whether it was their fault or not. This can easily be avoided by having a proper structural inspection done to identify problematic areas. A sample of this report is available upon request.
6. Roof Frame Inspection $295
In Western Australia the common way to build a roof is by using a ‘conventional’ timber roof structure. It is a different type of construction to timber or steel roof trusses which are engineered and built in a factory.
A conventional roof is built by a carpenter on site using timber that needs to be cut on site and fitted in its correct position.
Additional to this are tie-down requirements that actually hold the roof down to the walls and foundations of the house so that the roof does not blow off in a storm or cyclone. So in this type of construction there is more room for mistakes to be made.
The standards for roof construction are set out in Australian Standard 1684.2 and for new homes there are usually engineering drawings that detail how the roof of your new home will be constructed.
Our inspector will use these plans to inspect what has been constructed and the report will itemise any area that does not comply with AS 1684.2 and the engineering plans.
To book at service, please use our online booking form or to speak to Steve and discuss your needs call on 1800 781 251